Text by: Mª José Hernández, Ruth Antolín, Rosa Almedia – INTRAS Foundation; MUTUA UNIVERSAL

As mentioned in previous blogs, pilot tests are being developed in the WorkingAge project, in which workers over 45 will use the WAOW Tool to improve their well-being at work and in their daily life. Mutua Universal in Spain is collaborating in this pilot phase where the use of the tool is studied in office workstations.

The purpose of action and competences of Mutua Universal includes, among other preventive activities, research, development and innovation activities, aimed at reducing accidents and improving prevention, occupational risks, safety and health of the recipients of our services.

The promotion of healthy habits in the work environment and the consideration of the characteristics of vulnerable groups, together with the commitment to innovation and the use of technological advances, are decisive to improve working conditions, as well as the health and well-being of people, their quality of life and especially active aging.

Mutua Universal employees participate in the WorkingAge project on a voluntary basis, demonstrating their commitment to innovation and health promotion. During the tests, participants use the WAOW tool. The tool provides information on various parameters, such as body posture, recommendations for improving them, and tips for maintaining a healthier lifestyle, in the work environment and beyond.

The final objective of the tests is to help the participants to improve their health habits, as well as to enrich the WOAW tool with the contributions made by the users.
