Text by: Caroline Morisot-Pagnon – Telespazio

With the help of all the partners, Telespazio is gathering the sensors, computers and equipment for the deployment of 15 WOAW tools in the pilot, for the short term tests.

Even in this period of summer break, and despite current difficulties to purchase computers due to the microcontrollers shortage, most of the equipment are either already at Telespazio, ready to be tested before travelling to Spain, or on order.

A representative subset of equipment will be deployed at Telespazio to train the team and face potential technical difficulties prior to the D-day.

In addition, the team is very happy to prepare the next WorkingAge consortium meeting, planned at the end of October, especially because this meeting is very likely to take place in face to face and in Toulouse for most of the partners.  

Looking forward to meet again!
