- POLIMI: Attending to ESREL 2020 PSAM 15 that will be held in Venice, Italy, on June 21–26, 2020.
- EXODUS: Attending fairs i.e. Big Data Analytics & Technology Fair, conhIT, Vitalis, UK e-Health Week, etc.
- UCAM: Special Sessions, Workshops and Challenge events at IEEE FG, ACM ICMI, ACM Multimedia, and ACII on multimodal behaviour
- analysis of working populations
- POLIMI: Special Sessions, Workshops and Challenge events on Conversational Agents, Security and Privacy, Ethics in ICT, ERP/CRM systems, Job Portals; E-Government.
- GC: Participating to industrial tradeshows (Mobile World Congress, Vivatechnology…)
- BS: Certamente (fair in marketing research on emotional models of users) 2019, 2020, 2021; ATC Forum (fair in Air Traffic Controls for cognitive model of users) 2020, 2021; Making fair 2019
- TPZ: Participating to industrial tradeshows (Mobile World Congress, EENA conference,)
- TMA: Fairs such as Posidonia international exhibition, Mobile World Congress.
- RWTH: chair a session at the HCI International 2020 in Copenhagen (Denmark), 19th-24th July 2020. Future of Work – Smart Digital Assistance for Tomorrow’s Workplace GfA Frühjahrskongress 2020 – GfA Spring Convention 2020 16.-18.03.2020, Berlin (Germany)
3rd International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications
WorkingAge was presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications, held in Rome at Sapienza Uni last November 2019. In the picture, Vera Rick, from RWTH Aachen University, speacking about the project.

Visit to GRUPO ANTOLIN. September 2019
WorkingAge partners were visiting Grupo Antolín’s factory in Valladolid in September, to explore their differents job sites, their characteristics and challenges regarding workers over 50.

BrainSigns again awarded as Italian excellence. June 2019
BrainSigns received last June 2 awards as Italian excellence for the category Research and Training in the Camera dei Deputati. Prof. Fabio Babiloni, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of BrainSigns, has been awarded for being distinguished in the research and international scientific dissemination activities of neuromarketing. Also Ing. Gianluca Borghini, Bioengineer of BrainSigns, also received an award for his excellent international contribution in the development and application of Bioengineering methodologies in operational contexts, such as aviation and air traffic control. See the complete new here.

Kick-off meeting, February 2019
WorkingAge started its activity with a meeting with partners and advisory boards entities, describing the work ahead and showing a deep enthusiasm to face the challenges ahead. Each Work Package leader showed their plan to commit the rest of the partners to contribute with their ideas and suggestions through all the way across the project’s life.