Text by: Caroline Morisot-Pagnon, Laurent Arzel – Telespazio France

During the WorkingAge project, Telespazio France has developed the Location and E112 service of the WAOW tool.

The Location service, implemented into the WAOW tool application, provides both indoor and outdoor position of the user. The outdoor position is made of GNSS latitude and longitude coordinates. The indoor position contains additional information such as the floor inside the building, and up to the office number. In case the WAOW tool user faces a distress situation, the E112 service will be manually or automatically triggered and this precise location information will be conveyed to Emergency Services. This accurate location is key to ease and fasten the rescue team intervention.

E112 service is compliant with the PEMEA standard. To insure compliancy, the service relies on both the WAOW tool application and an Emergency Server making the link with PEMEA entities. The E112 triggers an automatic call to the 112 emergency number and conveys key information about the distress situation to Emergency Services through PEMEA data link. 

Telespazio France’s expertise in these two complementary domains – Location and Emergency – goes way beyond the frame of the WorkingAge project. 

In particular, together with EENA and European Institutions, Telespazio France supports the development of innovative solutions for European citizens’ safety and security:

•             Deployment of AML in Europe with the HELP112 projects for the European Commission;

•             Galileo-based Emergency Warning Service proof of concept, with the GRALLE project for the European Commission;

•             SBAS-based Emergency Warning Service demonstration, with the SBAS ASECNA project for the African Organization ASECNA;

•             SAR/Galileo Two Way Communication Service prototype and demonstration, with the SERENITY project for the European Commission .

Telespazio also operates Cospas-Sarsat French Mission Control Centre, SAR/Galileo Service Centre and SAR/Galileo Service with CNES.

All of these efforts, all of these resources and all of these successes are enabling Telespazio to pursue its actions for the benefit of Europe’s and the world’s citizens, and helping to accomplish the noble mission of saving lives.
