Text by: Mª José Hernández – Project Manager – INTRAS; Rosa Almeida – Participatory Design Manager – INTRAS; Adriana Grau – Psychologist – INTRAS.

The WorkingAge team has been working hard in recent months to complete the development of the WorkingAge Of Well-being (WAOW) Tool. In parallel, all the partners, both industrial partners and academic partners, are defining the individual exploitation plans for the WAOW tool to ensure the sustainability of the project’s results beyond the project end and to demonstrate how WorkingAgehas influenced the EU landscape.

One of the first steps in the definition of the dissemination and exploitation results strategies is the identification of the target audience, not only for the WAOW tool but also for all the results and achievements of the WorkingAge project.

  • Academia, scientific/research organisation: to this target group belongs universities or research centers in the fields such as Silver Economy, Healthy Ageing, Smart manufacturing, Assisted living, Social Science, Cybersecurity, Psychology, ICT and Data Science.

They can benefit from the project research findings, such as scientific articles, reports, conferences and scientific events. So that synergies and collaborations can be established between research lines of different entities and the WorkingAge project.

  • Commercial Players and Investors: to this target group belongs commercial entities or investors of fields of voice and gesture recognition, Neurometrics, Eye recognition, Robotics, data management, Apps developers, Training Centers, Manufacturers of telephones, mobiles, tablets, smartwatches, virtual glasses, R&D Department of Medical Universities, Insurance companies, etc.

They expect in-depth project information and in particular the project method, design approach, interactions designed and concept, general information about WAOW Tool and the business model.

They can benefit from an innovative and pioneering tool that can generate financial benefits when it will be launched on the market. In this way, marketing and sales alliances can be established between commercial actors and investors and WorkingAge consortium.

  • Final Users: to this target group belongs workers and companies.

They expect brief information about the WorkingAge project and in-depth information about the WAOW Tool, the validation tests, the pilot test results, the benefits and advantages of the use of WAOW Tool, the regulations or different training materials.

They can benefit from the use of the WAOW Tool that allows the improvement of the health and well-being of people at work by supervising their working conditions and providing different types of advice through personalized technologies and friendly & intelligent human interfaces. With the use of the WAOW Tool, the occupational health and safety of workers can be strengthened, but not only physical health, also mental health, which is one of the major aspects neglected by companies.

  • International, European, national and local associations, Policy makers, Standards associations: Their interest lies mainly in the possibilities for Healthy Ageing and work related improvements, also with the products and services that the WAOW Tool can provide and the standardization or regulation processes related to the outcomes.

They can benefit from the WorkingAge research findings, which can be potentially relevant to provide recommendations and good practices on new methodologies, new intervention procedures, new possible products, economic aspects, new standards and new regulations.

  • General audience: General public aware of the effort the EU is doing regarding research and development and interested in new opportunities for European Enterprises.

They can benefit from the basic information about the WorkingAge project, its activities and its outcomes and achievements, to understand its key aspects and take advantage of them for the general benefit of society.

Interested in have a said in the WORKINGAGE innovation process?

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If you want to know more about the progresses of WorkingAge project and the developments of WAOW Tool, follow our social networks (Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workingage_EU & LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/workingage-EU) and our blog (https://www.workingage.eu/category/blog), where WorkingAge periodically uploads information about the project and its achievements.
