INTRAS Foundation has received the 2019 Prize for the Occupational Risks Prevention (PRL) in the Region of Castilla y León, awarded by the Junta de Castilla y León (regional government), in the category B, “Public entities or private non-profit organizations”, as well as companies in the communication sector that contribute to raising awareness of the preventive culture, due to their actions in this area.

In the field of prevention of work-related diseases, the participation of INTRAS in the European Working Age project stands out. This project studies the profile of workers over 50 years of age and the promotion of healthy habits in the work environment and in activities of daily life, and thus improve working and living conditions.

In relation to awareness, INTRAS is constantly observing good practices and healthy habits and promoting actions to create, disseminate or improve a culture of occupational risk prevention.

INTRAS participates in or leads other projects and initiatives to promote healthy habits, non-sedentary lifestyles and active aging, such as the constitution of the “Club Deportivo Duero”, a standardized and inclusive club that promotes the practice of physical activity and sports and the transmission of the physical, mental and social benefits of this activity, with values such as companionship, teamwork, communication, active listening, commitment, responsibility or punctuality.
