Concept & approach

WorkingAge will use innovative HCI methods (augmented reality, virtual reality, gesture/voice recognition and eye tracking) to measure the user emotional/cognitive/health state and create communication paths. At the same time with the use of IoT sensors will be able to detect environmental conditions. The purpose is to promote healthy habits of users in their working environment and daily living activities in order to improve their working and living conditions. By studying the profile of the >50 (Year old) workers and the working place requirements in three different working environments (Office, Driving and Manufacturing), both profiles (user and environment) will be considered. Information obtained will be used for the creation of interventions that will lead to healthy aging inside and outside the working environment. WorkingAge will test and validate an integrated solution that will learn the user’s behaviour, health data and preferences and through continue data collection and analysis will interact naturally with the user. This innovative system will provide workers assistance in their everyday routine in the form of reminders, risks avoidance and recommendations. In this way, the WorkingAge project will create a sustainable and scalable product that will empower their user's easing their life by attenuating the impact of aging in their autonomy, work conditions, health and well-being.

Key concepts/ Objectives (at a glance)

The WA project aims at making a step forward in technology for new working environment possibilities. The project’s objectives have been structured in different fields as follows, and their communication should be ensured through the website:
Quality of life
Create a database of different human conditions and its relation with the working environment and the risks and challenges at different working settings and environments. The focus will be put on the definition of causes for long-term stress and workload of employees and its impact on sickness and rest periods to finally create of a set of rules that enable adaptation of the changing status of the workers Aged >50 to their working/living environment and preserve their physical, cognitive, psychological and social well-being.
Digitally enabled adaptive services and solutions
Develop five innovative algorithms (Gesture, Face, Eyes, Voice, Neurometrics) for evaluation of stress and strain, infer other user’s emotional state using (Neurometrics, gesture, voice, and other) and determine for a set of Four HCI technologies (gesture recognition, speech recognition, eye tracking, Augmented/Virtual Reality), a set of Four relevant interactive mechanisms, considering user centred design. Finally, to develop an integrated system and an indoor/outdoor location service and its connection with emergency services to provide health support.
Smart working environment
The creation of a Smart working environment will be possible by developing an extended and iterative interactive Software Design Methodology to incorporate the measurement of user states at work, considering relevant ethical and security issues. This will make possible the creation of a Self-Management Occupational Safety and Health Supervision System (SMOSHS System) that will enable to identify risks for safety and health, collect a history of risk exposures and monitor individuals’ health status. Finally, the effort will go on the direction of the integration of the SMOSHS System into a Tool for integrated health and safety (WAOW Tool) to be used for workers and organisations.
User centric design
To be able to design this solution with a user centric design paradigm, the integration of the system will be proven in working environments in three different countries, validating the system created in by providing health supervision and alerts for the target populations. This will be possible by assessing the improvement of the working environment, health status, independence, functional capacity, physical, cognitive, psychological and social well-being of 90 users aged >50 through long term tests (one-year duration).
Develop and deliver four new software licences for new interaction platforms (Gesture based; Voice based; Gaze based, Image based), developing a specific business model and encouraging new investments in the field of age-related health problems and contributing to European ICT industry competitiveness. Evidence of return on investment will be gathered in terms of societal benefits provided by these new working environments. Finally, the solution will be shown through different dissemination events in the form of workshops, conferences and fairs involving researchers and stakeholders.



